Keeping Pace? Continuing weed challenges and new control technologies

The 61st Annual BCPC Weeds Review will take place on Thursday 31 October 2024 at the Sophi Taylor Building, NIAB, Cambridge

The theme of this year’s Review will be “Keeping Pace? Continuing weed challenges and new control technologies”

Session one: project updates
1. ASSIST project results/summary: Biodiversity and soil health aspects on a large-scale rotation.
Speaker: Jonathan Storkey, Rothamsted

2. OPER8 Alternative weed control European project update
Speaker: Kevin Godfrey, ADAS

3. BGRI black-grass farm network 10 years on, what lessons have we learned?
Speaker: Laura Crook, Rothamsted

Session two: Novel technologies
4. Harvest Weed Seed Control (HWSC): use in the UK
Speaker: Tom Allen-Stevens, BOFIN

5. Claws (should it be Straws?) broke the camel’s back, does high intensity light control weeds?
Speaker: TBC

6. PhD Poster Presentations

Session three: Emerging weeds 

7. BSBI Speaker: TBC

8. Sampling of Vulpia myuros and comparison between urban and arable situations and their traits.
Speaker: Lucy Buchi, University of Greenwich

9. European Weed Research Society (EWRS) representative
Speaker: TBC

10. Invasive trees, shrubs and climbers
Speaker: Brian Talyor, The Knotweed Company

To view presentations from previous Reviews click here