BCPC Awards 2012
BCPC’s mission is to add value in areas of crop production, involving translation of science and technology into information that improves environmentally sound crop protection and production, in particular in areas not well served by other, independent, bodies or initiatives. This involves publications and responses to consultations, policies, legislation and press reports all made under the recognised BCPC brand of authority and independence.
Our mission also includes recognition of those contributing to the advancement of research and its translation into tools and techniques that benefit crop production. The BCPC Medals scheme started in 1985, to recognize such achievements, particularly where these were not well covered by more academic awards. Since then, over 50 awards have been made. BCPC is pleased to receive nominations for an award at any time.
By popular demand, medals were replaced with framed certificates in 2011, and the presentations are now known as the BCPC Awards.

Dr Bob Froud-Williams
On learning of his award Bob Froud-Williams said, “It was a great honour and privilege to be nominated for a BCPC award, something that was totally unexpected and I very much appreciate the fact that I was considered a suitable nominee, despite not being in the forefront of active research in the UK. The majority of my career has been concerned with education and I feel fortunate that I have been able to advance the importance of Weed Science both at home and abroad. In particular, I owe a great debt of gratitude to the many students that I have supervised and to the many colleagues within the agricultural industry with whom I have collaborated, thereby contributing to our knowledge of weeds in temperate and warm-season cropping systems”.
Bob’s full citation can be accessed by clicking here.

Mike May
“It is a great honour to receive this award from the BCPC for the contribution that I have tried to make to crop production in the UK. I am flattered and would like to thank Council for nominating me. The UK farming industry makes good use of research and efficient knowledge transfer is vital to ensure our farmers and advisers are kept abreast of new developments wherever they originate. I have enjoyed my work and been proud to be part of the communication process. Whilst the UK research base has been eroded in recent years, it is good to see the high standard of new recruits that are coming into agriculture at the moment. Given the opportunity, these will provide the industry with the ability to meet the challenges of the future and we will see UK farmers continue to be at the forefront of modern sustainable farming.” said Mike, as he accepted his award.
Mike’s full citation can be accessed by clicking here.

David Richardson
On receiving his award David said, “I am absolutely delighted to have been recognised by BCPC for their 2012 award, and also very surprised given I did not think regulators were considered to contribute productively to crop protection! I am sure a large part is due to the work raising the awareness, both in the UK and in Europe, of the consequences on crop protection product availability of the draft proposed legislation for the regulation of plant protection products to replace the much loved EC 91/414. I have to thank also colleagues in CRD for their part in that, and of course CRD management for allowing me to do it.”
David’s full citation can be accessed by clicking here.