BCPC Awards 2017
BCPC’s mission is to add value in areas of crop production, involving translation of science and technology into information that improves environmentally sound crop protection and production, in particular in areas not well served by other, independent, bodies or initiatives. This involves publications and responses to consultations, policies, legislation and press reports all made under the recognised BCPC brand of authority and independence.Our mission also includes recognition of those contributing to the advancement of research and its translation into tools and techniques that benefit crop production.
The BCPC Medals scheme started in 1985, to recognize such achievements, particularly where these were not well covered by more academic awards. Since then, over 50 awards have been made. BCPC is pleased to receive nominations for an award at any time. By popular demand, medals were replaced with framed certificates in 2011, and the presentations are now known as the BCPC Awards.
Two BCPC Awards were presented in 2017 by Dr Colin Ruscoe, Executive Chairman, BCPC at the Crop Production in Southern Britain Event, Peterborough, UK. The recipients were: Dr David Cooper and Mr Jim Orson.

Dr David Cooper
“I feel very pleased and honoured to receive this award from BCPC,” said David. “BCPC is rightly well-regarded with respect to publicising crop science and, as an entomologist, advisor and research manager, I have valued our interactions over many years on pests, pesticides, collaborative research and integrated crop management”.
David’s full citation can be accessed by clicking here.

Jim Orson
“For once I am rather lost for words at receiving a BCPC award and being recognised for doing work that I have thoroughly enjoyed throughout my career,” said Jim. “I have worked with some fantastic people that populate this industry, which has been a joy, and I am looking forward to continuing to work with BCPC in various activities as it celebrates 50 years in supporting UK crop production.”
Jim’s full citation can be accessed here