The UK Pesticide Guide 2017 – the complete up-to-date package
19th January 2017The start of the New Year has seen the arrival of the 30th edition of The UK Pesticide Guide, jointly published by BCPC and CAB International.

UK Pesticide Guide 2017 in print…
The printed book is excellent for quick and easy reference to comprehensive UK pesticide information, and is ideal to keep in the office or tractor cab. However, the online resource ukpesticideguide.co.uk, which is now easily accessible on smart phones and tablets, offers a whole lot more than the book. Not only is it searchable but it also provides additional content, latest news and developments and links to the Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) online database of Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs).

….and online at ukpesticideguide.co.uk
“I would strongly recommend users of The UK Pesticide Guide to invest in the complete package of both the hard copy and the online version,“ says Mr Martin Lainsbury, editor of The UK Pesticide Guide. “The online resource enables us to run frequent updates, add EAMUs and include new approvals as soon as they come on stream. We have, for example, just included on the database: the new Solatenol SDHI fungicide products from Syngenta (Elatus Era, Elatus Plus, Ceratavo Plus and Velogy Plus); a new cereal herbicide combination from DuPont (Provalia LQM) and a new cereal herbicide combination from BASF (Quirinus). It is therefore much more comprehensive and up-to-date than the book.”
If CPD points are important to you then BASIS members can benefit by earning 2 CPD points when purchasing the book and 3 CPD points when subscribing to the online resource.
“2016 was a busy year as far as changes go. The roll-out of the harmonization of hazard precautions with the rest of the world has meant many products have new MAPP numbers,” comments Martin. “Also, where appropriate, buffer zones wider than the standard 5 meters for LERAP have been imposed and there have been refinements of label claims and application timings which has meant every product in the book has been checked to identify changes.”
“For 2017 the book contains 25 new active ingredient profiles including two new actives as full entries. These are: cyantraniliprole for insect control in headed brassicas and halauxifen-methyl formulated with fluroxypyr for weed control in cereals. In addition there are five new active ingredient profiles listed as Products also Registered (PARs).” says Martin.
Copies of The UK Pesticide Guide 2017 can be ordered now priced £52.50, or save £31.50 and get the complete package of the book and online resource for £99.00.
Contact: BCPC Publications Sales, 7 Omni Business Centre, Omega Park, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 2QD UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1420 593 200 Email: publications@bcpc.org. Credit cards are accepted. Secure orders can also be placed online from the BCPC website on www.bcpc.org/shop. To subscribe to the annual online resource priced £65 + VAT, click here.
Editor’s note
Being a printed publication The UK Pesticide Guide 2017 provides a snapshot of PARs, EAMUs and approved products up until mid-October 2016 when the Guide went to press. Any additional approvals made since that time can be accessed via BCPC’s online service: ukpesticideguide.co.uk.
The UK Pesticide Guide 2017
ISBN 978 1 901396 683 (Book) c.776pp Pub: January 2017