The UK Pesticide Guide 2018 – new actives, new modes of action
10th January 2018Fifteen new active ingredient profiles and two new actives as full entries are included in the 31st edition of The UK Pesticide Guide. Plus, for the first time, details covering arthropod buffer zone restrictions and requirements for Drift Reduction Technology (DRT) have been added to build a complete guide of pesticide information.
“2017 saw the introduction of several new pesticide molecules which will play an important part in future crop protection,” comments Mr Martin Lainsbury, editor of The UK Pesticide Guide. “New molecules bring new modes of action – vital in combating resistance.”
The UK Pesticide Guide is available in hard copy and as an online tool. – for information on the move
The printed book is a quick and easy reference to comprehensive UK pesticide information, and is ideal to keep in the office or tractor cab. However, the online resource, is now easily accessible from anywhere and contains significantly more content than the book including latest news and developments and links to the Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) online database of Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs).
“The online resource allows us to run frequent updates, add EAMUs and include new approvals as soon as they come on stream,” says Martin. “For example, new fungicide mixtures Fountain and Vibrance Duo have already been added, along with Exteris Stressgard and Luna Sensation for the amenity and horticultural sectors.”
All this makes The UK Pesticide Guide 2018 the key authoritative reference for advisors, growers, contractors, local authorities and many others managing the impact of pests and diseases. The guide covers all pesticides and adjuvants approved for use in agriculture, amenity, forestry, pest control and horticulture.
If CPD points are important to you then BASIS members can benefit by earning 2 CPD points when purchasing the book and 3 CPD points when subscribing to the online resource.
Copies of The UK Pesticide Guide 2018 can be purchased now priced £54.00, or save with the package offer. Subscribe to the online resource (£65 per annum) and receive a 50% discount on your hard copy purchase.
Contact: BCPC Publications Sales, Garden Studio, 4 Hillside, Aldershot, Hampshire, GU11 3NB Email: Credit cards are accepted. Secure orders can also be placed online from the BCPC website at To subscribe to the annual online resource priced £65 + VAT, visit
Editor’s note
Being a printed publication The UK Pesticide Guide 2018 provides a snapshot of PARs, EAMUs and approved products up until mid-October 2017 when the Guide went to press. Any additional approvals made since that time can be accessed via BCPC’s online service:
The UK Pesticide Guide 2018
ISBN 978-1-9998966-0-7 (Book) c.776pp Pub: January 2018