A unique opportunity to interact with the UK Regulator on Brexit
28th September 2016For the third year running, delegates to the BCPC Congress at Brighton, UK, on 4 – 5 October, have the chance to join an interactive workshop run by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) of the UK.
This workshop has proved more popular each year – and this year’s event will be even more so, with its focus on the topic of the moment. Entitled “What are the opportunities and risks for Pesticide regulation in the UK following the EU referendum?” , it will be managed by Sarah Shore, Head of Pesticide Delivery and Policy and Jayne Wilder, Operational Policy, CRD.
This is a unique opportunity for attendees to offer their views and answer specific questions on pesticide regulation post-referendum. Both HSE and Defra are keen to find out how the regulation of pesticides could look in the future – and are particularly keen to listen to views and ideas from the wide range of stakeholders who come to the Congress.
Many of the presentations at the event will also address the opportunity and problems of Brexit. So more than ever, this year’s Congress will be an excellent opportunity for all interested in science-based regulation of crop production and responsible pesticide use to gain an understanding in an unprecedented opportunity for change.
With only three weeks left until the start of this 2-day event, delegates should register NOW at: www.bcpccongress.org/register. Details of Congress speakers and the Programme are on the Congress website at: www.bcpccongress.org or email: TSGE Forum atenquiries@tsgeforum.com.